Hops and Grain Pale Dog
This can of Pale Dog, a 6% ABV pale ale courtesy Hops and Grain Brewing, is the last of three samples I received from the brewery a couple of weeks ago. The first, The One They Call Zoe, was a darn tasty pale lager. The second, Alt-eration, was just as good and represented the maltier end of the flavor spectrum well. Pale Dog is right there along side the other two in terms of flavor and quality.
Using a combination of domestic hopes (Centennial, Cascade and Citra) throughout the brewing process, Pale Dog presents a well-rounded hop profile that is sure to refresh. But it’s not all hops with this beer. There’s a solid, balancing malt backbone keep everything in check and provide a highly approachable drinking experience.
Pale Dog pours a rich amber in color with a rocky crown of off-white foam.
Grapefruit, citrus notes and light pine dominate the nose, but the beer has a peppery character that is balanced nicely with bready malt and light caramel.
Pale Dog starts off with a solid piney and peppery hop character up front with grapefruit supporting in the background. More unidentifiable citrus fruits arrive late in the lingering and moderately bitter finish. There’s a good bit of caramel and lightly toasted malt to keep everything in check. The beer drinks smoothly and is quite refreshing. It’s got a hop character that is approachable and comfortable.
I have enjoyed all three of the Hops and Grain samples that I received. I’m not sure that I could pick one over the other as they all serve various purposes, but if pressed hard, I would say that Pale Dog brings the most well-rounded flavor that can be enjoyed any time of year. It’s a beer that brings just the right amount of malt and hop flavors to the palate.
Rating: 3.75/5
This is a review of a promotional sample from the brewery.