Aug 26, 2014

Avery Brewing Rufus Corvus

The first barrel-aged beer — more specifically that of the wild/sour variety — that I enjoyed from Avery Brewing was their Brabant. It had great flavor, but was a little tame in the wild department. That was also back in 2010. Fast forward a few years and we’ve come to Rufus Corvus, a beer that is not only quite tasty, but also one that highlights just how good this company has become at crafting wonderfully barrel-aged beers.

Rufus Corvus is the result of experimentation on the company’s part. What started out as two separate projects (two barrel aged sour varieties) but due to the various flavors and strengths of the individual barreled brewed, it was decided to create a blend. So what we’ve got here with this 6.83% ABV brew is a combination of 85% ale aged in Cabernet Sauvignon barrels, 9% ale aged in Chardonnay barrels and 6% ale aged in Zinfandel barrels

The result is one of the best sours I’ve had this year

Avery Brewing Rufus Corvus photo


Rufus Corvus pours a near opaque reddish brown in color with a small cap of khaki foam.


Sour tartness, wood, vinous notes and a touch of a char dominate while hints of caramel and dark cherries linger.


This is not a beer for the faint of heart. It is an aggressively sour brew that packs a puckering wallop. Beyond the sharp tartness lies hints of wood, burnt caramel and vinous grapes (not fruit juicy). It’s a little vinegary like some wines can come across with just a hint of malt sweetness on the lips. The tartness lasts a good long while in the lasting and slightly drying finish.


Rufus Corvus is an amazing beer that shows just how far the brewery has progressed with their barrel aging program. Brabant was the first of the series and was a wonderful beer, but it pales in comparison to the dynamic and richly tart Rufus Corvus.

Rating: 4.25/5

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