Ardent Saison
Richmond, Virginia’s Ardent Craft Ales has been around a few years now, but this is the first time I’ve crossed paths with any of their products — aside from their Stone Brewing collaboration — in the northern portion of the state. That big stout was the result of several parties, Ardent’s Saison is all them and served as a wonderful introduction to the brewery.
This 6.7% ABV farmhouse-style ale embraces both the traditional and non in its flavor profile. A smooth, fruit-forward yeastiness drives the bus while a gentle hop bite, decent funk, grain and a rustic trait all hop on board at various points of the trip. There’s a interesting vinous note (most likely due to the yeast) lingering at the edges that I find quite intriguing. It adds a unique “aged” impression to the experience. The lightly carbonated saison ends drying with a lingering echo of funk.
Ardent Saison is a tasty brew with a great balance between funk, hop and fruity esters. It drinks easy and had it been a bit more crisp on the palate would have been an ideal refresher for the late August afternoon during which I lazily sipped at its golden depths.
I’ll be sure to pick up more of this one next Summer.