Fisherman’s Pumpkin Stout
Now, I’ve had plenty of different brews that used pumpkin in their recipe, but I’m pretty sure that this is the first time I’ve personally seen it used in a stout. I’m pretty sure that I would have picked up this bottle regardless of who brewed it, but knowing that it’s from Cape Ann Brewing only proved to sweeten the deal.
The beer pours a dark brown with a rich, thick head that was a light mocha in color. There was a nice garnet edge to the glass when held up to the light.
Smells wonderful. Chocolates, pumpkin and a healthy dose of roasted malt are the first to hit the nose. In the background a few spices (cinnamon and nutmeg) show up to compliment the primary characteristics of the aroma.
This is an interesting brew. There is a good helping of pumpkin pie with chocolate undertones followed up by smooth coffee. The pumpkin definitely dominates, as it should, but isn’t overbearing when compared to how the other elements of the brew play out. It really does taste like a dessert, but not too sweet.
I liked this one, but it’s not something that I would go out of my way for. I love stouts, but I’m also a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to them. The pumpkin was a nice touch, but not really an addition that I look for in a stout. The beer is well balanced and should prove to be a nice addition to a specific seasonal rotation.
Rating: 3/5