Jul 30, 2015

Andechs Weissbier Hell

My love/hate relationship with all things hefeweisen is well documented on this site and yet, it’s still a beer style that I seem to go out of my way to try. I think it’s more a mission to find the right one that I can thoroughly enjoy more so than a deep seated, subliminal masochism thing. Regardless, any time I come across a beer of this style from Germany — such as this Andechs Weissbier Hell — I get that much more excited, thinking that just maybe, this could be the one.

And Weissbier Hell comes close. It’s definitely got all that I want in a hefeweisen — good flavor and easy drinking nature, plus the added bonus of a slightly muted banana-y character. I did enjoy this brew, but I’m still on the hunt for just the right combination of flavors perfectly suited for my own bent personal tastes.


Andechs Weissbier Hell pours a hazy straw in color with a pillowy cap of off-white foam.

Andechs Weissbier Hell photo


Wheat, honey, soft banana, clove and lemon zest combine for a rather enticing aroma.


The brew is pretty decent as grain, honey, clove, a touch of lemon and not-too-much banana fill the mouth smoothly. It’s a refreshing and light-bodied beer with a crisp, active carbonation. The light sweetness that arrives late lingers for a bit in the lightly drying finish.


This is a hefe right up my alley. Andechs Weissbier Hell if lively, refreshing and flavorful. The banana influence from the yeast isn’t as overtly present as many in the genre and the spice blend is fairly muted as well. This may be one that I revisit in the future. It’s got promise.

Rating: 3.75/5

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