Bell’s Winter White Ale
Along with the purchase from my last review, I had also picked up a six pack of Bell’s White Ale. Now, I knew going in that it was a wheat beer, and while I’m not the biggest fan of the style, it is the time of year for winter seasonals. While it’s not my favorite “winter” ale, the combination of the wheat characteristics and the seasonal spiced won me over in the end.

Bell’s Winter White Ale pours a very pale yellow with a large fluffy head. There was decent carbonation activity forming a column from the bottom of the pint glass.
Smells like your typical wheat beer, but without the citrus aromas that are typical of its summer varieties. The spices are welcoming that’s for sure.
I was actually quite pleased with this one and both my wife and I proclaimed it a tasty brew (we actually have enjoyed a couple of six packs of this one over the past couple of weeks). I found the spices and wheat characteristics working well to compliment each other. An added yeastiness to the whole thing wraps up the beer nicely.
While not a favorite beer, it is one that will repeatedly show up in my fridge during the winter. It’s an easy drinking brew with plenty of flavor and a nice change up from the heavier, darker winter seasonals.
Rating: 3/5