Mar 24, 2011

Smuttynose Big A IPA

Smuttynose Big A IPA packaging

At one point only available in limited release batches, this double IPA from New Hampshire’s Smuttynose Brewing is a tasty treat available year-round.

Big A IPA is right up there in terms of what I would expect from a solid double IPA — big hop presence, a little sweetness and a good helping of alcohol. Coming from the brewery that makes one of my favorite brown ales (Old Brown Dog Ale), this hoppy brew was a pleasant surprise.


Crystal clear and gold in color, Big A IPA sits with a decent sized, off-white head.


Mmmm… hops… and loads of them — earthy, piny, oily and resinous with hints of a spiciness. There’s also a tropical citrus presence within the nose that’s accompanied with a light sweetness.


The flavors that are tightly packed into this 12oz bottle are right in line with the nose. Once the grapefruity citrus nature of the hops fades you’re quickly greeted with a solid bitterness that’s not too much of an astringent punch in the palate, but it certainly let’s you know it’s there. The hop bite continues through the lingering and slightly warming finish. There’s a wonderful earthiness to the hops with an oily, pine resin character. It’s not as sweet as I would have expected, but it does have a natural, raw honey sweetness that helps tone the hop bitterness down just a touch.


I’m glad I didn’t find this beer while it was only available in limited quantities — I’d have gone mad looking for more of it. As it stands now, this is one tasty double IPA that’s available all year long. I love the big bitter bite and earthy nature that the hops bring to the table. It’s not a light IPA at all. It’s definitely aa beer that’s excellent for a palate that’s looking for a challenge. Tasty!


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