Odell Brewing to Release New American Wild Ale
For Immediate Release
Fort Collins, CO. – On May 21, 2011, Odell Brewing will release Hiveranno, the latest in its Single Serve series of offerings. A New American Wild ale, Hiveranno blends a traditional wild ale with bright American hop aromatics and soft oak tannins.

The Hiveranno was a seasoned Mountain Man, one who had lived many years off the land pioneering new ways to survive by exploiting available resources. Like the Hiveranno, our adventurous brewers drew on their knowledge of classic wild Belgian yeasts, and they captured and propagated their very own strain of wild yeast from the brewery grounds. This proprietary wild yeast, unique to the brewery, lends a slightly tart funkiness that is enhanced by the barrel aging process.
“The beer was blended with select barrels from our wood cellar,” said Eli Kolodny, brewery QA/QC analyst. “These barrels have a unique in-house lineage that adds a subtle melon and grapefruit rind tartness to balance out the big aroma hops in the beer. Aging the beer will bring out more oak and wild yeast characteristics, while drinking fresh will allow the hops to shine.”
Odell Brewing will celebrate the release of Hiveranno in the brewery’s Tap Room on Saturday, May 21st during American Craft Beer Week. Beginning at 4:00 p.m., guests can enjoy samples of the beer as well as live music by Constitution.
To learn more about Hiveranno, visit the brewery’s blog at http://odellbrewing.com/blog, or follow Odell Brewing on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/OdellBrewingCo.