Mad Fox Oaked Diabolik Ale
I’ve been meaning to get to Mad Fox in Falls Church, VA for a while now. From what I’ve heard from friends and fellow beer drinkers, it’s that they craft some tasty brews. But as with life, things come up and plans fall through. Luckily, I happened across a bottle of their Oaked Diabolic Ale I was unaware at the time that they bottled anything other than their Lost Rhino collaboration (which I haven’t had as of yet). So, I was pretty stoked to be able to finally sample one of the company’s wares.
Oaked Diabolik Ale is a 9% ABV wild ale. It’s based on the company’s Belgian-style strong pale, but then exposed to airborne yeast and bacteria before aging for six months in oak barrels. The result is not only an exceptional introduction to what Mad Fox can do, but the beer is simply outstanding. Naked Diabolik Ale has a champagne like character and moderate sour tartness that will leave fans of the style wanting more. I certainly aim to find a few more bottles for cellaring.
A large stack of white foam drops slowly to a solid ring around the surface of the golden straw brew.

Grain, nose-tingling tartness, soft yeast notes, light wood and a touch of bubble gum in the background smells intriguing.
Wow. A dry, champagne-like character arrives with a solid amount of sour tartness. The pucker factor is high, but not at a level that is overly distracting or domineering. Oak, stone fruits, yeast, a touch of that bubble gum and grain are all in play, working with one another wonderfully. The light, effervescent mouthfeel makes for a refreshing overall nature, as just a hint of the well-hidden alcohol warms gently.
I’m happy that I just happened to come across this bottle of Mad Fox’s Oaked Diabolik Ale. It is an outstanding beer with excellent overall flavor and a solid amount of wild tartness. This is a beer that I could see thoroughly enjoying over the hot Summer months it’s full-flavored, light and refreshing. Now, I just need to find a few more bottles.
Rating: 4/5