Starr Hill Whiter Shade
I’m going to assume that Whiter Shade, the second beer from Starr Hill’s Fall Tour variety pack, is the same beer (Whiter Shade of Pale) that won a silver medal during the 2014 Virginia Craft Brewers Cup. I’m not sure when the name was truncated or if the recipe is even the same, but what I can tell you is that this 7.5% ABV white IPA is pretty darn good.
This beer (whatever its name may be or have been) has been around since 2013, but this is the first time I have crossed paths with it. Of the white IPAs I’ve had over the years, Whiter Shade fits right in with its flavor and overall character. Wheat, grain, grapefruit and distant tropical fruits mingle well, offering an array of flavors from start to finish — all carried along on a light, effervescent mouthfeel. Everything plays well with one another, never forcing their way in front of the rest. The alcohol is masked nicely, as well.
Whiter Shade is a pretty darn tasty brew. The blending of styles doesn’t always work out, but this brew from Starr Hill seems to have managed aspects from both style realms well. It’s the lightest beer of the company’s Fall seasonal pack and offers a little something different as those cooler months arrive.
This is a review of a promotional sample.